
Week 1 of medical rehabilitation.


Hi all!


I never really get into my personal life.. Let’s change that peeps!
For a very long time - years to be exact -  I have been struggling with my chronic body pains + mental health.
For the past years I spent more hours in hospitals and therapies than I can count, I am not depended of the wheelchair nor being stuck at home anymore.  I have to say I’m doing really great now!  Besides the part I still have to live with the constant chronic body pains ( solk ).  So I wanted to try some medical rehabilitation for the last time with the hopes in mind that I will be happier than ever.
Aren’t that some great new year’s resolutions?
I am kinda scared to tell you all about It but I  thought ‘what the heck’.
Even though these three weeks will be intense I thought It would be an awesome idea to keep track of everything I do there and give you all a little insight in my life.
Like a public journal.


Monday September 28 2020
Today I woke up with the feeling I wanted to run away from all my responsibilities of this day. Well in my case not running but walking… walking at a slow phase.
However I made the best of my morning, tried to take a nap before all the new things began.
When arriving at the location I met the 3 other people who were in my group of the program.
Thank god they were so nice, I was so scared I would be unconfutable with them.
We had a group therapy getting to know each other and talking about our problems. Later after that we had physio. ( I fricking hate to exercise ) To no surprise I didn’t handle much, however that’s not what it’s about. It is so much more than exercising, i’m very curious what tomorrow will bring.

Tuesday September 29 2020
When the taxi driver picked me up, he recognized me from years ago. The first thing he said to me was: “weren’t you the girl with crutches? ‘. That was in fact me, it was so strange to me that someone I have seen maybe two times, Still knows who I am. Besides that I had a great day! It was all very intense and interesting. After the physical therapy we had an educative therapy about pain. I have learned a lot more about the origin of my pain. For once in many years I finally have a little spark of hope that I can be fixed. So fingers crossed peeps.

Wednesday September 30 2020
Day 3 of the medical revalidation : CHECK. Today we exercised the whole schedule that was made for us all personally. It was very scary, however I was so content with the outcome of it all.
After that I had a meltdown while having therapy about mindfulness and destress. It  took me back to the moment my legs stopped working..  Even though that was a very traumatising memory, it didn’t hold me back to participate to the fullest of what I could handle. At last we had an educational session about energy regulation.  And again so interesting! I don’t want to get my hopes up that much however I really think I can do something with the things they teach me about myself. It was another great day for me! ( didn’t hurt as well that one of the therapeutic staff was very cute ).

Thursday October 01 2020
Weirdly I find it scary to say that once again I had a good day at the rehabilitation centre..
“Like, What the frick is going on..”
Exercising with the physiotherapy went really great. Even though I still hate everything about it, I managed to complete every task that was planned for me. After that we had an breathing therapy what was followed by an session with an psychologist mainly talking about anxiety. When I came home I made myself a warm soothing bath and enjoyed the movie Charlie’s angels with Kristen stewart.

Friday October 02 2020
Final day of the first week, Yes! Why do I feel like I’m a wiser human? Physically nothing really changed yet however mentally.. WOW! This place is really amazing and full of educated and experienced therapists. I’m so tired, I could use a nap right now.. Not going to do that though.

Now it’s time for a relaxing weekend maybe try some destress exercises? Who knows what it will bring.

Next week new updates and an article of week 2.
Can’t wait to start on Monday, but first : a lot of movies and relaxation.




Hugs and kisses.

Reactie schrijven

Commentaren: 4
  • #1

    Ton (zaterdag, 03 oktober 2020 12:28)

    Heel trots op je

  • #2

    Maverns (zaterdag, 03 oktober 2020 12:29)

    Goodluck and all the best kaylee , don’t give up also your gonna get through this ❤️

  • #3

    Diana (zaterdag, 03 oktober 2020 19:56)

    Wat goed Kaylee! Heel erg hoopvol ook! �

  • #4

    Donna + kuikentje (woensdag, 07 oktober 2020 08:40)

    Wij zijn trots op jou ♥️♥️



Instagram. @kayleemocking

Youtube. Kaylee Mocking

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